Chandigarh: In a landmark ruling, the Punjab and Haryana High Court has made it mandatory for children above the age of 4 to wear helmets while riding on two-wheelers in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh. The helmets must adhere to the safety standards set by the central government.
The order was issued by a bench comprising Chief Justice Shil Nagoo and Justice Anil Khetarpal. The directive has now come into effect, requiring all children above four years of age to wear helmets while riding as passengers on motorcycles or scooters.
However, the court has exempted Sikh men and women who wear turbans from this requirement. The High Court also directed the police authorities in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh to provide details of challans (fines) issued to women riding without helmets and passengers sitting behind two-wheeler riders.
The next hearing for the case has been scheduled for December 4, when further deliberations on the matter will take place. This new rule is aimed at enhancing road safety and protecting young passengers from potential accidents while riding on motorcycles.