

February 6, 2025 10:28 pm

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Strengthening Nutritional Health in Chandigarh

The Aman Sandesh Times

Chandigarh : Various activities and events were undertaken today by the Department of Social Welfare, Women & Child Development, as a part of Poshan Maah including Anemia Screening Camp at Ramdarbar, SAM & MAM Children Screening at Khudha Lahora, Drawing Competition at Manimajra, Educational Activities across 450 Anganwadi Centres and Home visits.
Anemia Screening Camp at Ramdarbar: An anemia screening camp for pregnant and lactating mothers was held in collaboration with NGO Rocket Learning. The camp, inaugurated by Smt. Anuradha S. Chagti, CSS, Secretary Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Chandigarh Administration, and Dr. Palika Arora, Director of Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Chandigarh Administration featured a lecture by a Health functionaries on essential dietary practices for managing anemia. POSHAN Ki Kadhai was also distributed to the beneficiaries by Secretary Social Welfare and Director Social Welfare. A total of 95 beneficiaries were screened.
SAM & MAM Children Screening at Khudha Lahora: A comprehensive screening and identification exercise for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acut
Malnutrition (MAM) children took place at Khudha Lahora. Growth monitoring for 30 children revealed that all were identified as normal. Dr. Anu-RBSK and Dr. Pooja, Medical Officer, provided valuable guidance to mothers on proper dietary intake.
Drawing Competition at Manimajra: In a creative effort to combat malnutrition, a drawing competition was organized at Manimajra. This event engaged children in expressing their understanding of nutrition through art, fostering both awareness and creativity.
Educational Activities across 450 Anganwadi Centres: activities across 450 Anganwadi Centres included lectures on anemia prevention, menstrual hygiene, the importance of complementary feeding, the right age of marriage, immunization, food fortification, micronutrients, and the role of herbal plants in diet. Growth monitoring of children enrolled under ICDS was also conducted.
Home Visits: All 450 Anganwadi centres conducted home visits to support new pregnant women and mothers of newborns, promoting exclusive breastfeeding practices to ensure optimal infant health.

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