

February 16, 2025 7:45 am

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Illegal banners continue to dot Mohali city

The Aman Sandesh Times

Mohali : It wont be wrong to say that Mohali city is now inundated with banners and posters at majority of intersections in the internal areas of Phases and Sectors of Mohali as large number of illegal banners hang on electric poles, a sight unprecedented in the township’s history. The apparent ignorance of management by MC Mohali is resulting in an annual revenue loss. Even though illegal hoardings and banners cause major loss of revenue to Mohali Municipal Corporation every year, they still openly continue to dot the Mohali city.
The defacement of public and private properties is rampant in the Mohali and is a clear violation under the Punjab Prevention of Defacement of Property Act 1997.
Time and again, people have voiced concerns about the installation of illegal banners, hoardings, and wall posters of various educational institutions, political parties, and companies but the concerned authorities have turned a blind eye to the concerns of Mohali residents.
“These illegal banners and hoardings are making Mohali city look ugly and congested. Many commuters get distracted by such hoardings while commuting. What is stopping MC from taking action against violators for putting such banners and hoardings?,” questioned a resident in Phase 5.
“If a common man displays a banner or posters, a heavy fine is levied.
In some cases, even FIRs are also registered but MC Mohali seems to have a soft corner for commercial organisations and politicians,” expressed another resident of Phase 4.
Wall posters of festivals and birthdays
India celebrates festivals all around the year. With every festival comes mandatory posters of politicians and also leaders of several unions or organizations wishing people.
In addition to this, a few violators also put up wall posters wishing their local leader.
Losses incurred by MC
Notably, the civic body had failed to achieve its proposed income of Rs 31 crore in 2023-2024 through advertisement tender, earning just Rs 6.11 crore, despite hoardings being allotted across the city.
The Mohali Municipal Corporation (MC) has failed to find bidders for its advertisement tenders for the fifth time in a row despite reducing the reserve price by 50%.
It is pertinent to mention here that recently, The Karnataka High Court had directed authorities to ensure the safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the monsoon season and not be complacent in their duty of monitoring and preventing hoardings/flexes which are put up illegally on footpaths and roads in the city of Bengaluru, now Mohali residents are waiting for such action too.

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