

February 6, 2025 9:32 pm

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No end to road side Encroachments in Mohali

The Aman Sandesh Times

Mohali : Illegal encroachments on roadsides, outside showrooms and at marketplaces have become a common affair in Mohali. It has been noticed that roadside encroachments are leading to regular traffic congestion.
The traffic near Phase 4 Entry and in Phase 1 moves at a snail’s pace during the morning and evening rush hours, moreover several vital roads turned from residential areas into a commercial hub over the past few years..
Resident said, “The district administration had constructed footpaths for the safe movement of pedestrians, but roadside vendors have illegally encroached upon the roads as well as the footpaths and cause traffic congestion.”
Residents/Commuters while talking to The Aman Sandesh Times said, ever-increasing encroachments in different localities of the city have become a permanent source of nuisance for commuters with roadside bazaars, street hawkers and
push up carts, prop up almost along every main or connecting road. Residents added, “Seeing them doing all this bravely also raises doubt of alleged involvement of some officials who could provide them shelter.”
The Aman Sandesh Times team found that the numbers of street vendors is multiplying, choking the busy stretches and slowing down traffic. Even National Highway on International Airport Road has not been spared, with the number of carts on its wide pavements going up every week. The encroachers range from food vendors to vegetable sellers, nurseries, and fruit, furniture shops.
Road is further eaten up by illegal parking that makes traffic chaotic in many parts of the city, squeezing moving vehicles into one lane and in
They are everywhere encroaching
busy roads, pavements and footpaths
leaving no space for pedestrians.
Most of such roadside businesses Mohali areas have been set up without permission from relevant authorities, encroaching space illegally cannot be acceptable. But Who Cares???

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