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PAU bags patent on gluten-free whole grain flour composition and food products


Ludhiana, November 7, 2024: The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has been granted a patent on “Gluten-free whole grain flour composition and food products”.

The invention provides gluten-free whole-grain flour composition and products based on it, particularly gluten-free whole-grain flatbread.

The scientists involved in this research are Dr. Amarjeet Kaur,  Principal Food Technologist (retd.); Dr Poonam Aggarwal Sachdev, Principal Food Technologist; and Dr Akanksha Pahwa from the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Dr Satbir Singh Gosal, Vice-Chancellor, PAU; and Dr AS Datt, Director of Research, congratulated the scientist for their outstanding achievement and groundbreaking work on this demand-driven research.

Dr Poonam said that this flour shows improved dough-making properties, visco elasticity, texture profile, product quality and organoleptic properties.

The flour composition and products made from this are highly beneficial for the people suffering celiac disease and gluten intolerance, she added.

“Celiac disease is becoming an increasingly recognized autoimmune disease caused by a permanent intolerance to gluten. The disease can be treated by strictly adhering to a gluten free diet throughout patient’s life time. Wheat (Triticumaestivum) is a common ingredient used in many types of flat breads due to the special functional properties of its constituent protein, gluten. However, people suffering from celiac disease are unable to consume certain gluten proteins from cereals such wheat, rye, barley, kamut, spelt and hybrids like triticale,” she observed.

This new composition will be highly beneficial for the people allergic to gluten-based products, she said.

Dr Khushdeep Dharni, Associate Director, Technology Marketing and IPR Cell, stated that the invention addresses a contemporary market problem and carries immense market potential given its functional and nutritional properties.

He urged the existing players and budding entrepreneurs in the domain of food processing and marketing to tap the available market potential and join hands with PAU to take the technology to the masses.

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