

February 6, 2025 9:43 pm

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Mohali Dy Mayor writes a letter to the CA GMADA to establish a meat and fish market in Mohali

The Aman Sandesh Times

Mohali : GMADA, which collects crores of rupees through auctions, did not make any provision for the meat and fish market in Mohali stated Mohali Dy Mayor Kuljeet Singh Bedi.
Unauthorized meat, fish selling shops are openly spreading filth in villages and colonies due to which residents are upset.
Mohali Municipal Corporation Deputy Mayor Kuljit Singh Bedi has written a letter to the Chief Administrator GMADA demanding allotment of space for meat and fish market in Mohali.
In his letter, Deputy Mayor Kuljit Singh Bedi has said that billions of rupees are earned by GMADA through various auctions and developing of new sectors, but no provision has been made by GMADA for the meat and fish market in the entire Mohali and said that because of this, Mohali village, Shahi Majra or other colonies of Mohali, there are unauthorized meat and fish selling shops and added that at various places where filth is created, it stinks and the people living near the shops had to suffer due to this.
Deputy Mayor Mohali said that moreover meat and fish are sold in these shops without any inspection, which may be harmful for people’s health. He said that the health department also does not issue any license in this regard and neither do they have any investigation.
Bedi in his letter demanded from the Chief Administrator GMADA to conduct a survey of the people selling meat and fish in different places in Mohali and reserve land for meat and fish market and provide them shops at reasonable rates so that they should not be harmed and also people residing nearby the shops should not suffer due to them.
In a letter written to the Civil Surgeon of Mohali, Bedi has also asked that the licenses of these people should be issued and they should be checked from time to time and those who violate the rules should be penalised by issuing challans and the shops should be closed. He said that unexamined meat and fish are harmful to health and various diseases may also spread due to this and the health department should take immediate action to prevent this.

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